Not so many years ago the car's essential remit might have been to get a single occupant to work five days a week, have enough trunk space for a weekly trip to the supermarket and sufficient seats to transport a nuclear family to the coast for a long weekend. More recently, classic sedans and estates have progressed into hatchbacks, MPVs, SUVs and now crossovers, all designed for particular segments of the population, but none tailored to the specific desires of individuals who cannot be, and certainly strive to not be, so easily pigeon-holed.
François Bancon, general manager of Nissan's Exploratory and Advance Planning Department, elaborates, "Only they know what is necessary for their lives, so it is logical that they should be the ones who establish the ultimate specification of their cars. For them an off-the-shelf solution is not sufficient and the best-equipped people to tailor-make their cars are themselves. What is more informative is that Nissan Townpod users do not be grateful for stereotypes or status symbols, for them the ultimate status is to have no status."
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