This is the first time in the Indian automobile history that a car company has sold over a million units in economic year. This comprises 870,790 units sold in the domestic market, the highest ever by the company in a fiscal. This feat takes the company into an extremely select group of global automakers with such volumes, the company said in a regulatory filing.
According to the company, its shipment of 147,575 units throughout the last fiscal was also the highest ever annual exports.
The export numbers in the year were led by A-star. This fuel efficient compact car clocked over 120,000 units of export sales in 2009-10, it said.
A-star was exported transversely Europe, to Algeria, Chile, Indonesia and in neighboring countries. Other car models have been sold in South Africa, Hong Kong, Australia and Norway in the last fiscal.
We are currently expanding our production to reach 1,250,000 units by 2012, Maruti Suzuki said.
Maruti suzuki, which rolled out the one-millionth car of the year last month, has announced an investment of Rs.1,700 crore ($3400 million) to enhance production by 250,000 units at its Manesar plant near here.
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