Snyman argues that moving commuters more professionally through intelligent transport systems can benefit both the environment and productivity. This occupies looking at the best way to travel at different times of day, using various modes of car transport powered via a range of energy sources.
You have to think how efficient a means of transport is in terms of energy, the greenhouse gases and pollution it produces, as well as how much it's going to cost the cost country in terms foreign exchange, because we're needy on crude oil imports, he states.
To emphasize some of the alternative energy and transport solutions available, the South African National Energy Research Institute (Saneri) introduced a Green Transport Demonstration Project last year, to coincide with the 2010 Fifa Soccer World Cup.
The principle is to showcase clean energy and green transport innovations in order to confirm SA's seriousness in promoting environmentally friendly technologies, explains Snyman, who is a consultant on the project. It will also, to some scope, offset the CO2 that will be emitted through travel associated with the event, he adds.
According to Snyman, the purpose of the Green Transport Project, conducted by Saneri on behalf of the Department of Science and Technology, is to reveal vehicles and refueling stations based on alternative fuels such as liquefied petroleum gas, compressed natural gas, biofuels, electricity (via batteries), fuel cells and hydrogen.
The program will also endorse practical skills development in clean transport technologies, and create awareness among the public, entrepreneurs and decision-makers about the safety, performance and low emissions of clean transport alternatives, adds Snyman.
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