The programme will see 20 Prius plug-in vehicles join the vehicle fleets of five businesses and public organisations and get to the streets of London from July 2010.
EDF Energy will bring the charging points at workplaces, on-street and at domestic locations.
The businesses and organizations taking division in the scheme are News International, Sky, Transport for London, the Government Car and Dispatch Agency and the Metropolitan Police Service.
The demonstration programme is part of the Technology Strategy Board’s £25 million national Ultra Low Carbon Vehicle Demonstrator Programme (ULCVDP) and the data collected from it will offer Toyota, EDF Energy and the UK Government with in order on user behavior and attitudes, vehicle performance and energy recharging and infrastructure issues.
Today’s plug-in demonstration is one of eight captivating place across the UK through the ULCVDP. Last week, the UK’s major trial of electric vehicles (EVs) by the CABLED consortium in the West Midlands released data that seemed to confirm that most drivers will not require altering their normal daily driving behavior to accommodate low carbon transport.
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